God Will Sort the Dead...

Terminal 0


acropolis.piltdown //004121.25.1

Good work.

Durandal gave the name "Thoth" to the
ancient personality construct we are trying
to activate. Someone here said that Thoth
was the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom,
with a human body but the head of an ibis.

We've reviewed all the information Durandal
left us about Thoth, but nowhere have we
been able to discover what to do after the
AI is fully operational.

I believe that Durandal expected Thoth to
contact the lost clan.

I should tell you that many of us here see
Durandal's destruction as a good thing.
Even if we're stuck on an alien world in
the galactic core, at least we're in
control of our own destinies again.

Frankly, nobody liked the way Durandal
carelessly threw us into battle, heedless
of the risk to our lives.

Trust me, I'm not a Pfhor-lover, but with
Durandal no longer pulling the strings a
great weight has been lifted from our
shoulders. We're planning to steal a Pfhor
ship of our own and return to Earth.

You're invited to come with us when we do.

acropolis.piltdown //004121.25.1
