The Hard Stuff Rules...

Terminal 4




Report to Leader
Questionable Surgical Procedures

And if that wasn't enough, the vile bipeds
removed his sensory organs in order to make
room for this small oblong object that they
installed in his face-- they didn't even do
it as a separate operation.

I guess they figured since the object would
displace them anyhow-- why bother! The
thing that confused me though was how they
did it. It wasn't standard procedure,
though. I can tell you that.


Report to Leader
Questionable Surgical Procedures

Only one surgical instrument was used
during the procedure-- the device that held
the small oblong object-- they tried to make
an incision in which to place the object
with their knuckles several times before
giving up and inserting the object anyway.
And it was inserted at a rather high rate
of speed. But I guess that was to ensure
that total displacement of the sensory
organs occurred.

