What the Federation is.
The Federation is an organization dedicated to the dual goals of promoting freesites and inhibiting paysites in the Sims 2 community. It's formation came about through a debate about paysites at S2C. Delphy's 2007 mission statement at MTS2 gives another eye-opening perspective on paysites.

What can the Federation do for me?

Freesite Owners
If you own a free Sims 2 site, the Federation can offer assistance through their forums. Such assistance includes tutorials and support for website creation, management and hosting, help with continuing to keep your entire site free to the community, and general support an encouragement.

Paysite Owners
If you own a Sims 2 site which offers some pay content to cover site maintanence and costs, the Federation can help you to find alternatives and support so that you can continue to share with the entire Sims 2 community for free.

Non-Site Owners
A database of all-free sites will help you to find sites where you can find content without having to weed through donation files to find things you can actually download. Tutorials are also available for those who would like to start creating their own site.

How can I help promote freesites?
If you want to help out, one of the first things you can do is join the Federation forums. From there you will be able to offer help though many means, whether it's sharing information or knowledge you have about site creation and maintenance, sharing extra space you have available on your web server, or donating to freesites looking for help in the SOS forum. You can also support freesites outside of the forums by linking to your favorites from your websites or forum signatures or by donating to them on your own. You could even create a freesite of your own to share with the community. Also, whenever you're about to recommend or use items from a paysite, try to think if there isn't a free site that would work instead.

How can I help inhibit paysites?
If you want paysites to become obsolete, the most obvious first step is to not give them any money for their content. The next step would be to try to convince them to go free. Many sites only charge for content because they think that's the only way to support their site, or because they've seen so many other sites doing it. Let them know that there are alternatives and send them to the Federation forums for help so that their hard work can benefit the entire community.

Some paysites are actively trying to make a profit from their site, and will not be persuaded to provide their content for free because it would be bad for business. These are the sites that need the real inhibiting and the best way to deal with them is to stop advertising them. The fewer people who are sent to their sites, the fewer people who will be persuaded to buy any pay content they have on their site, and the less profit these sites receive. If their business stops being profitable, they will have to rethink their goals in creating custom content for the game and will either close down, or continue to create because they enjoy it, and not for the money. Their main advertising comes from people linking to their sites, so one of the best things you could do would be to remove links to as many paysites as possible from your page.

I've done all that, how else can I help?
If you're ready to dedicate yourself and your site to the goals of the Federation, you might want to consider applying for membership. Federation members are freesite owners or co-owners who seek to actively pursue the Federation's goals as they are laid out in the constitution. If you do not currently own a site, you can become an Associate.

My site doesn't meet the criteria for membership, what do I do?
If your site doesn't meet the requirements, you can join as an Aspiring Member. As an Aspiring Member, you have a period of time in which you can work together with other members to make the appropriate changes necessary to your site.

I'd have to make a lot of changes to my site, I don't think I can do it.
If you decide that you're not able to make the required changes, then you might not be ready for membership yet. Not to worry, there are still many ways you can help out and get support on the forums. The more everyone helps out, the more the free community will grow and the more resources will open up, making it easier for everyone to meet the requirements.