
"Now that you're back home, boy, you really should hot have so many nice points..."

"Yes daddy, I agree wholeheartedly, I love you daddy, because you're the best daddy in the world!"

"Oh, STFU"


"Sheila, dearie... we should leave the past behind, shall we?"

"Oh, Sebastian, I love you..."

snapshot_736c984e_536c9f45.jpg My dream becomes reality.

snapshot_736c984e_f36c9f671.jpg "I will"

Sebastian wedding 1 "Hey, that Vecki seems to like your brother-in-law a lot."

snapshot_736c984e_f36c9dba.jpg "Yes, she does. And that rock/paper/scissor game sounds like an easy excuse for building up their relationship, to me".

snapshot_736c984e_b36c999c.jpg "Conrad! It's MY party, dammit!"

snapshot_9278282e_52c4c5792.jpg "Do you remember, Sebastian, your first girlfriend, Janice? It's very nice of her being at your wedding; where is she now?"

snapshot_736c984e_f36c9aec.jpg "Over there, just near dad... woopsie..."

snapshot_736c984e_336c9b71.jpg "YOU FILTHY PIG!"


"Phew, wedding party is over. Let's relax a bit.... ahhh.. what's next?"

"You are kidding, aren't you?"

Continue soon...