Added Warm Butt, Warm Hands, Dance Conga Line, Dance Wild & Crazy, Photo Booth Vampire Poses 1 - 4 , Reaction Swoon, Gesture Binoculars, Hate Letter Pose 1 & 2, Reaction Heebies, Dance Goofy Spin Fall, Reaction Thumbs Down, Reaction Sleezy, Reaction Sizzle, Gesture Call Me, Reaction Retch, Vampire Scope, Vampire UI Poses 1 - 5, Reaction Look Up Down Body, Gesture Hot, Watch Distressed Can't Look, Stretch Toes, Blow Whistle, Knee Bend, CAS Juggle, Watch Distressed Cringe, Watch Distressed Worry, Jumping Jack, Tub Ahoy Matey, Tub Hold Nose Under Water, Tub Swim, Tub Row Boat, Your Crazy, Wave, Nice Swoon , Laugh At Guffaw, Be Embarrassed, Smell Breath, Nausea, Open Arms, Ah-ha, Yes, Big Nod, Pump Fist, Check Nails, and renamed some of the poses & animations to make them easier to find (Thanks Ozzucay for helping me with those).