I had some spare time, so I fiddled with the trilogy, looking for all the cameos and trivias.
- LoTR: The Lord of The Rings
- FoTR: The Fellowship of The Ring
- TTT: The Two Towers
- RoTK: The Return of The King
Peter Jackson
Director, screenplay writer and producer, his cameos are in all the three movies.
In FoTR, he's a soaken walkby in Bree, while the hobbits are looking for the Prancing Pony.
In the original idea he should have smoke a pipe, but PJ felt ill, and opted for a carrot, instead.

In TTT, he's a Rohan soldier, throwing a spear towards the orcs, who are assaulting the Fortress at Helm's Deep.

In RoTK, finally, he shows up as a corsar, with other members of the crew. He's on the ship that Aragorn stops, and got an arrow from Legolas.
In this image there's also Andrew Lesnie, partially visible, as pointed by the red arrow.

Barrie M. Osborne
His cameo is in TTT, as a Rohan soldier, throwing rocks at the orcs while they're trying to smash down the Fortress' door with a battering-ram.

John Howe, Alan Lee and Dan Hennah
Two conceptual designers and an Art Director for the set decoration.

Howe and Lee are two of the Kings of the Men who received one of the rings, in FoTR's Prologue.
I love how Howe holds the ring like it were repulsive, while Lee stares at his with an intense gaze.

Lee shows up also in TTT, at Helm's Deep, with Hennah. Both are men of Rohan, busy dressing up for the battle.

Daniel Falconer
Designer and sculptor for Weta Workshop.
Unlucky Cameo, here. Falconer is one of the elvish archers from Lothlòrien, rushed in to help Rohan, at Helm's Deep. His half-face is barely visible and out of focus, for just about a fraction of a second, then Aragorn steps in in front of him.
In this image, he's just on the right of Aragorn's head.

Weta Workshop's Blacksmiths
I don't know their names, unfortunately, but the two elves who at Rivendell are reforging Andùril from Narsil's remains also are the real blacksmiths who built the weapons and armors for the movies.
Christian Rivers
Conceptual designer for visual effects.
Recognizable without a doubt as one of the two soldiers in charge of the beacon at Minas Tirith (RoTK).

Rick Porras
Co-producer (WingNut Films).
... is the other soldier in charge of the beacon, with Rivers.

Another cameo, with other corsairs, in the ship sailing to Minas Tirith. In the upper left corner you might spot, out of focus, Andrew Lesnie (see below).

Andrew Lesnie
Director of photography. Not very lucky, in his cameo. He's always barely visible and out of focus (oh the irony).
Gino Acevedo and Richard Taylor
Prostethics Supervisor and the very soul of Weta Workshop, respectively.

In RoTK, here are Taylor and Acevedo, corsairs too. Taylor's makeup was so good that apparently not even his wife was able to recognize him.

Howard Shore and Michael Semanick
Soundtrack composer and re-recording mixer.

What's better than some laughs celebrating the victory at Helm's Deep with a beer contest? They're both between Legolas and the barrel. Semanick in Barbie's hair is priceless.

Jane Abbott
Liv Tyler's riding double.
Isn't she pretty as a maiden among Arwen's followers? (in the middle, between Aragorn and Arwen).