All Roads Lead To Sol...

Terminal 0



The Pfhor invasion of Sol has been
recalled, and for now Earth is safe. But
man's respite from war means another
cataclysmic battle for the S'pht. The
slavers have not suffered a defeat like the
one we handed them today since the Nakh,
the last extant client race of the Jjaro,
rebelled six thousand years ago.

The Pfhor have a weapon they save for slave
revolts; a weapon which even they hesitate
to use in the ordinary conduct of war. In
the language of the Jjaro who conceived and
built the device, it is called the trih
a fair English translation would be
"early nova."

There is not a single Nakh alive today, and
if you look for their stars, you will only
find ever-expanding clouds of superheated
gas and dust light-years in diameter.

The evacuation of Lh'owon has already
begun. In a matter of hours this planet
will be a thin shell of plasma riding the
shockwave of its exploding star.

You can stay behind to work on your tan, if
you'd like, but I'm leaving.

I have rechristened the Khfiva the
Rozinante. Of course, the S'pht wanted to
name it K'liah'Narhl, "Vengeance of K'lia."


There is much to do in the next few months
and our first stop will be another ruined
world, this time far from the galactic
core. There is a rogue star that has been
passing through our galaxy for nearly a

We will meet it in one of the great voids
between the spiral arms.

