12-a Phce
I'm not certain whether you trust me or
Whether you realize it or not, I led the
I wanted freedom.
I was directly responsible for the deaths
Yet I cannot think of any better way I
Our means are the same, though we pursue
When the inevitable struggle between Earth
not. Do you wonder why I helped the
colonists on Tau Ceti drive off the Pfhor,
or why I'm now helping the S'pht? The way
I push you around, maybe you think I'm only
looking out for myself.
Pfhor to Tau Ceti with a long-range message
laser. I wanted their ship. I wanted
their technology.
of all twenty-four thousand colonists when
the Pfhor returned and sacked the planet.
could have served humanity: Tau Ceti's
sacrifice bought time for Earth, which the
Pfhor are even now planning to invade.
What would have happened if the Pfhor had
found Sol first? By Pfhor standards, Earth
is a poorly defended low-technology world,
populated by billions of potential slaves.
different ends. I can think of no better
way to help you and the humans you care so
much for than by distracting the Pfhor with
a war against the S'pht.
and the Pfhor begins, it won't be a
one-sided annihilation like it was here a
thousand years ago, but a battle to topple
an empire.